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Development of Scientific Agriculture in India
- 1928:Royal Commission was appointed who’s Vice Roy was Lord Irwin and Chairman was Lord Linlithgo.
- This commission took survey of Indian agriculture and village economics problems and prepared a report and gave their recommendations to the Government.
- The Government of India established Indian Council of Agricultural Research at New Delhi (ICAR), to coordinate the work of agricultural research in this country.
- Real development in Indian Agriculture took place after 1947 when India got independence, with the execution of FIVE YEAR PLAN in 1951.
- ICAR had also started research institutes of its own in different centers in india for various crops.
- AICRIP All India Coordinated Rice Improvement Projects.
- ICAR is the sole body which controls all the Agricultural Research Institutes in India. It paved way for green revolution in India. After 1947, ICAR totally adapted to Land Grant Colleges.
- 1962: Agricultural University was started at Pantnagar (UP) on Land Grant Pattern. It is the first university with 16000 acres of land.
- 1965-67: Green Revolution in India due to introduction of HYV - Wheat, Rice, Use of Fertilizers, construction of Dams and use of pesticides. Greem revolution took in wheat first, next in rice after the invention of Indo-Japanica varieties.
- 1972: Gujarat Agricultural University was established at Sardar Krushinagar
- 2004: Gujarat Agricultural University dived into four agricutural universities at Navsari, Anand, Jundagdh and Sardarkrushinagar(Dantiwada).
- There are 28 state agricultural universities with research institutes on its own resources.
- Today, agricultural research is multi-dimensional. It includes tissue culture, biotechnology besides breeding, crop production and crop protection.
AGRICULTURE INDIA (1)Crops cultivated in vedic period(2)Role of Women in Agriculture during Vedic Period
Crops cultivated in vedic period
- In the later vedic period (1000 – 600 BC) agricultural implements were improved.
- Iron ploughshare was used also improved.
- people possessed the knowledge of fertility of land, selection of seed, seed treatment, harvesting maturing and rotation of crops.
- Barely sesame and sugarcane ware the main crops. Cucumber and bottle ground were also mentioned in vedic period,
- Aryans were accustomed to barley diet. Barley is good for men cattle and horses.
- For cloths, wool and cotton were used.
- The agriculture implements mentioned in vedic literature include the plough (langala, -a pointed type having smooth handle, Sira – a large and havy plough).
- Sickle was used harvesting sieves were used for
Role of Women in Agriculture during Vedic Period
- The economy of people largely depended on agriculture with cattle rearing as their main occupation.
- In all agriculture activities, women took active part as in sowing, ploughing, weeding, reaping threshing etc.
- They also assisted their husband went to fields and performed hard duties with them like harvesting crops with sickle, collecting bundles, beating them out on the floor of the granary, separating the grains from the chaff by a sieve and storing the grain safely.
- cloth making, stitching, waving, spinning, dyeing were some of the subsidiary occupation for wome.
- There was also mention of the work like carpentry gold and black smithy and military training undertaken by women to earn their livelihood.
- in vedic period, women contributed a lot to build the economy not only of their own families but of the country too.
- Role of Women in Agriculture during Vedic Period
AGRICULTURE INDIA (1) vedic civilization (2)Pastoralism
Vedic civilization
- The word “Veda” is derived from “Vad” which means “Knowledge” Veda is the only literary source from which we know about the Aryans in India.
- Aryans were more prevalent during vedic time which extends from Affhanistan, Kashmir, Punjab and parts of Sind and Rajasthan.
- The land of Arayans are called land of seven rivers i.e., (Satla,Beas, Ravi, Chennab, Jhelun, Indus and Saraswathi).
- The Rig-veda was the oldest book of Aryans.
- The vedic Aryans were primarly pastrol. Whene they settled in the Punjab, they cut the jungles and built their villages. They grazed the animals in jungles and cultivated barley nearest to houses to prtect from wild animals.
- Vedic people realized the importance of off-season ploughing and they started ploughing as and when the rain was received.
- Bullocks and ox were used for ploughing.
- With regard to irrigation, channels were formed the rivers.
- Wells were in use for supply of drinking water and irrigation.
- There were kucha wells, which were just holes dug in the ground. Even now such wells are in use in northern India.
INDIAN AGRICULTURE HISTORY -Indus Civilization (3250 BC – 2750 BC)
Indus Civilization
Indus Civilization
Indus Civilization
- In the year 1992, archaeologists dug up a few places in the Indus vally and carried out excavation at Mohenjodara (meaning a mound of dead) in sind (in Pakistan) and Harappa on the river Ravi in Punjab. They found traces of a very ancient civilization, which flourished more than five thousand years ago.
- They observed that the people utilized the pots, utensils and ornaments. These cities were built along the river Indus and hence this civilization is known as Indus valley civilization it is also known as Harappa culture and occupied the area stretching from Delhi to Gujarat.
- During this period the people identified the importance of ploughing for the proper sowing of crop (i.e.).
- Soil has to be stirred and seed has to be covered.
- Ox-drawn wheel cart was used for transport.
- The people cultivated wheat, barely, gram, peas, sesamum and rape.
- They also cultivated cotton and also devised method of ginning spinning and weaving.
- Animal husbundry was also given more importance during this period.
- They domesticated buffalow, camel, horse, elephant, ass and birds.
- They utilized them in agriculture and also for transport.
- The most remarkable discovery in Harappa is the Great Granary used for storing food grain.
- The Government in kind, used the granary for payments to employees of various kinds.
Year vais changes India period event history
Period Events
Earlier than 10000 BC Hunting & gathering
7500 BC Cultivation of crops-wheat & barley
3400 BC Wheel was invented
3000 BC Bronze used for making tools
2900BC Plough was invented, irrigated farming started
2300 BC Cultivation of chickpea, cotton, mustard
2200 BC Cultivation of rice
1500BC Cultivation of sugarcane
1400 BC Use of iron
1000 BC Use of iron plough
1500 AD Cultivation of orange, brinjal, pomegranate
1600 AD Introduction of several crops to India i.e. potato, tapioca, tomato, chillies, pineapple, groundnut, rubber, American cotton
Earlier than 10000 BC Hunting & gathering
7500 BC Cultivation of crops-wheat & barley
3400 BC Wheel was invented
3000 BC Bronze used for making tools
2900BC Plough was invented, irrigated farming started
2300 BC Cultivation of chickpea, cotton, mustard
2200 BC Cultivation of rice
1500BC Cultivation of sugarcane
1400 BC Use of iron
1000 BC Use of iron plough
1500 AD Cultivation of orange, brinjal, pomegranate
1600 AD Introduction of several crops to India i.e. potato, tapioca, tomato, chillies, pineapple, groundnut, rubber, American cotton
History of agriculture,
In the beginning such man had been spending his life wildly but during the period 8700-7700 BC, they started to pet sheep and goat although the first pet animal was dog, which was used for uniting.
During the period 8700 BC to 7700 BC, he domesticated animals and turned a herdsman. He first domesticated sheep and later goat.
Between the period 7500 BC to 6500 BC, man gradually shifted from hunting and gathering to agriculture.
Agricultural heritage of India,
Development of scientific agriculture in world and India – inventions and Institutes
HISTORY: It refers the continuou record of past events
HERITAGE: It indicates inherited values carried from one generation to other generation.
AGRICULTURAL HERITAGE: It denotes the adepted Values and traditional practices of agriculture in ancient India which are more relevant for present day system.
HERITAGE: It indicates inherited values carried from one generation to other generation.
AGRICULTURAL HERITAGE: It denotes the adepted Values and traditional practices of agriculture in ancient India which are more relevant for present day system.
Development of Human culture:
It is supposed that man was evolved on earth about 15 lakh years ago. This man was evolved from the monkey who started to move by standing erect on his foots.
Such man has been called Homo erectus (or) Java man.
Later on Java man transformed into Cro-Magnan and Cro-Magnan into modern man. The Morden man is zoologically known as Homo sapiens (Homo- continuous, sapiens-learnining habit).
In the beginning such man had been spending his life wildly but during the period 8700-7700 BC, they started to pet sheep and goat although the first pet animal was dog, which was used for uniting.
Hunting and gathering can hardly support one person per square kilometer while pastoral life can support three and agriculture about a hundred.
He had no control over food supply and was unable to clothe and shelter adequately.
During the period 8700 BC to 7700 BC, he domesticated animals and turned a herdsman. He first domesticated sheep and later goat.
Between the period 7500 BC to 6500 BC, man gradually shifted from hunting and gathering to agriculture.
Stone axes were used for cutting trees and fire for burning forests.
Grains of cereals were dibbled with the aid of pointed sticks,
later on, stone-hoes with wooden handles were invented.
The cereals grown during this period were wheat and barley
and later rice, maize and millets.
Subsequently he domesticated cattle pigs, horse and ass.
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